Hapax legomenon.

Do you want to know the secret to increasing your vocabulary?

The English language is comprised of nearly 1,000,000 words. American journalists, apparently, use merely 6,000 of these words regularly in newspaper articles. This is hardly 1% of what’s available!

Don’t you want to use more than 1% of this rich language?

The solution is here.

Hapax Legomenon: the first, the only, of its kind.

This innovative automaton is here to singularly ameliorate your lexicon. In a way that no other machine or insipid tome can, Hapax Legomenon will take you through the beautiful intricacies of the English language, one word at a time.

Are you a keen listener or a quick learner?

You need Hapax Legomenon.

Listen carefully, though! Hapax only says every word once. There is no rewind, no replay, no repeat.

“What happens when my Hapax has gone through the whole of the English language? Will it be useless?”

Once you’ve successfully been through every word (well done!), contact customer service to receive a free upgrade to the next model: Dis Legomenon.

With Dis Legomenon, you can go through every single word a second time.

Hapax Legomenon: your way to a more grandiloquent future today!


The English Oxford Living Dictionaries online defines “hapax legomenon” as “a term of which only one instance of use is recorded”. From Greek, meaning “a thing said once”.


Hapax legomenon.